The nature study and extreme activities route offers an active holiday combined with sites that bring tourists a wide variety of activities so that they can practice or learn about different sports to remain unforgettable memories.
Young people are interested in extreme sports, and middle-aged consumers are looking for new experiences related to natural landmarks and cultural and historical sites. Therefore, the route combines several strengths to attract tourists not only on the Black Sea coast, but also inland. It includes sites to cover the interests of all groups of tourists, regardless of their age. Tourists who are interested in extreme experiences will find in this route places where they can practice their favorite sports.
Visiting the sites included in the route can provoke interest and bring athletes back to the beautiful natural sights again. The route has the potential to diversify the proposed tourist products of the first three routes, complementing them with such experiences that are sought after by tourists whose interests are not covered by them. It also allows for additional diversification of products according to age – young people, families with children and independent adult tourists.
Reasons for choosing the sites are:
1) the need to cover the target market with a product that meets its needs
2) the potentially high tourist interest in the sites
An additional motivation for their choice is the fact that the Romanian sites are included in one of the national tourist balneo and spa destinations of the Ministry of Tourism of Romania – Black Sea Balneo and SPA destination (Black Sea SPA Riviera), which is a prerequisite for targeted policy. national and international level for their promotion and attraction of tourists.
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